The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) was launched in 2013 to provide specialised care and support to people with disabilities under the age of 65. The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) administers the programme, which provides government support to those with a permanent and severe disability.

The NDIS is individualised, allowing participants to select where and how they spend their money. Assistance can be provided in a variety of areas, including employment, allied health, housing, independence, outdoor activities, sport, and community access.

Individuals receive funding directly from the NDIS, which they can use to obtain the services they require from the provider of their choice. Each eligible NDIS participant receives a customised plan based on their unique needs and progress goals. Additional information on the NDIS [HERE]


Are you eligible for the NDIS?

If you are exploring your options to see if you are eligible, you can look through the checklist [HERE]. You may also call the NDIA on 1800 800 110.

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Are you looking for a new provider?

Are you looking for a provider that will take the time to learn about your unique situation and needs, as well as work with you to develop a tailored solution? You may find some useful help [HERE]

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Are you new to the NDIS?

Do you need further understanding of the NDIS, latest NDIS news and events?
Visit the NDIS information page [HERE]

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NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Pricing Limits

It is critical that you receive a good value for your money. The NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Pricing Limits guide participants and disability support providers through the NDIS’s price management process. See (HERE] for further information.

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